Signs and Symptoms

Spina bifida occulta is usually devoid of symptoms at birth yet with Spina bifida meningocele and Myelomeningocele this can be detected from the back malformations. There are many symptoms that are a result of Spina bifida and these include:A hydrocephalic skull

Hydrocephalus is the build up of fluid around the brain. This affects 90% of people with Spina bifida where sufferers cannot drain the excess fluid. This accumulation can cause a number of symptoms including irritability, sleepiness and seizures. If left untreated hydrocephalus can cause mental retardation. To drain the fluid a shunt is inserted into the brain to allow fluid to flow.                                

Mobility problems
People with Spina bifida have varying degrees of muscle paralysis some partial and others complete which usually affects the lower limb. These muscles are therefore not being used so become weakened which can result in dislocation or scoliosis (severe curvature of the spine).

Bowel and Bladder Problems
Bowel and bladder problems are common with Spina bifida sufferers. Nerves that are potentially damaged by the neural tube defect not only supply the lower limbs but also the bowel and bladder. This means they have no control over the sphincters surrounding them. This results in incontinence, but may be categorised by constipation and/or diarrhoea.

Cognitive Problems
Spina bifida can affect brain development especially in the cortex and cerebellum. This can cause learning disabilities such as reading trouble and difficulty making plans and solving problems.

It is very common for people with Spina bifida to have an allergy to latex. It is thought this is due to a sensitisation to rubber because of intense, repeated exposure to latex during surgery. An allergic reaction to latex can be very dangerous.

Article image - A hydrocephalic skull courtesy of Wiki